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Showing posts with label Folklore From Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Folklore From Korea. Show all posts

Sunday, July 7, 2013

#057 The Monkey Judgement

One day, a dog and a fox were quarrelling over a piece of meat.

The dog said, “Let me eat it!” But the fox replied, “No. it belongs to me.”

They agreed to ask their friend, Mr Monkey, to decide the matter for them. The monkey listened to what they had to say.

“To be fair to both of you,” he said. “I shall divide the meat into two equal pieces and give you one each.”

He took a pair of scales and a kitchen knife. He cut the meat into two pieces and weighed each of them on the scales. However, one was heavier than the other. He bit off a piece from the heavier portion, and weighed the two pieces again. This time, the other portion was heavier. He then bit off a piece from this portion and weighed the two pieces. Once again, one piece was heavier that the other. He went on like this, weighing and biting some of the meat, until all the meat was finished.

“If we’d only known this,” the dog said to the fox, “We would never have asked the monkey to be the judge.”

Really, the old Korean saying is quite true ‘It’s better to settle a case out of court than to settle at the court and lose everything.’

Read the Indonesian translation HERE
Author: Unknown

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