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Saturday, July 20, 2013

#070 The Tranquilizer 2 : The Last Blood (Part 4)

Murdoc Junior didn’t shoot Diego.

“I think I won’t enjoy killing you with a gun,” said Murdoc Junior.

He then threw away his gun and cracked his knuckles. Diego stood up ready to fight him. The fight was intense. Diego knew that he could never beat Murdoc Junior as he was so muscular and huge. He kept trying to avoid getting hit by Murdoc Junior. Once he had a chance, he jumped far to reach his gun. He got it!

Quickly, he ran to the edge of the building and jumped over to the next building. Murdoc Junior was furious and he ran so fast to chase Diego. Once Diego landed at the next building, he took out a special tranquilizing needle and loaded it inside the gun.

“I have prepared this only for you.”

Just when Murdoc Junior left the ground, Diego shot him and he was tranquilized by the special tranquilizing needle. Murdoc Junior could not reach the next building and he fell from the roof. A loud sound came out as he hit the ground.

Pedro was so shocked to witness that. He had no other choice but to shoot Diego dead. He pulled the trigger and shot at Diego. It hit Diego’s shoulder! He ran away fast even though he was badly wounded by the shot. He avoided open area so that Pedro would not be able to shoot him easily.

The blood kept dripping as Diego was running. Finally he was able to reach his car and drove away fast.

Pedro could not shoot him anymore. So he called Murdoc King to report that his son had been killed.

“Boss, I am sorry I couldn’t protect your son. But your son was killed because of his arrogance. He had the chance to kill Diego with his gun but he threw it away and chose to fight him with his hands,” reported Pedro.

“That idiot!” said Murdoc King in furious tone. “I will kill him myself! I swear!”

-To Be Continued-
Read the Indonesian translation HERE
Read Part 5 HERE
Read from Part 1 HERE
Author: Anfransen Wijaya

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